Sunday, January 25, 2009

Good info on RH-

First things first... My Dr thinks that I may be sensitized to the RH+ so this is where all of this is coming from... So let me share with you what I knew about being RH- until a few days ago...

I know that myself being RH-, if I was to get pregnant with a RH+ child then my body would fight against the babies.. and I could miscarry. I also knew that it could cause problems when the child was born, but I wasn't sure on the technicals. I know that it's not supposed to hurt your first pregnancy, and I know that I feel like I think that this contributed to my miscarriage in 2004. That's about all I knew... I was very unclear on things.. OH, but I also knew that you HAD to have this "rhogam" shot after any miscarriage, birthing, or abortion, so that it wouldn't harm future pregnancies. If you don't have this shot, then it causes you to become sensitized.

Now that I've done my research I would also like to say thank you to all of these websites.. they were great for supplying the information I needed... and I can say that I can rest a LITTTTTLE easier at least knowing what could happen. has a LOT of useful information... the only downfall is that they are also kinda trying to sell their product! BUT, if you go to "What Rh Negative Means" (tab on the left side) then they give you a very simple scientific explanation of exactly what it is. It also proceeds to state that only 15% of Caucasians are RH-... makes you wonder how many of those people are males... Also, seeing as to how this site is all about the RhoGAM shot, they tend to have all of their information revolving around getting the shot within 72 hours and going on with your life.

KidsHealth I thought also had an AWESOME segment on blood types and RH... turns out, if you have a negative on your blood type (A-, B-, AB-) then you are RH-! I thought they were completely unrelated, and I'd actually had a nurse tell me that a few years ago! BUT, turns out that it isn't unrelated! I think that is something that is HUGE for all to know! It's something you should find out before you are sexually active, not to mention, you HAVE TO KNOW before you get a blood transfusion. NOW, don't get me wrong, I know that they test your blood and such.. but if you have "bad blood" running through your veins then this could cause a HUGE 'allergic' reaction in your veins! Anywho, I just think it's a great piece, and very informative!