Saturday, July 28, 2007

So.... I've made new friends!!!!

So, I made a new friend this week... and I must say... she is REALLY REALLY sweet!!! lol I had my puppies to sell, and thankfully with everything that's happened lately they ALL sold before they even reached the 8 week mark! Actually, they were 8 wks on Friday and I'm taking the LAST one to her new mommy tmw!!

Anywho, this chik... (I hope she doesn't mind me using her name!!!!) Jay took my little runt man. Aww, let me tell you, this was my cutest most spoiled dog.. lol He acts JUST like his daddy... only MUCH happier and puppy like!!! Well, the minute I met her (and her WONDERFUL family) I knew they were 'keepers' lol! We all went out and ate Chinese last night, and after a few 'inncidents' that normally would have IRKED me... I was still in great spirits!! lol, they even followed us to Wally World to go shopping!!! How many people would do that? lol So, we get to my moms house last night... and she meets her little RT man!! (lol at that name!!!) and he just LOVES her!!! lol, she said he was GREAT all night long, and after what I saw this afternoon they make a GREAT team!!! RT man LOVES her, and she is MUCHO over protective of that little man!!! lol

So, anyway, I was talking to Jay about my HORRIBLE home... lol... and she mentioned a place SIMILAR to my own behind her Parents IL's... but was in much better shape... so we went today and looked at it... needless to say... I see some moving in my VERY near future!!! lol It's not a big place my NO means... but neither is our place!! They live RIGHT down the road, and there IS a place for Shawn to park his truck... so that will help A LOT... we were almost scared to move b/c NO WHERE (hardly) has places for an 18-wheeler to park. But they are donating their driveway.. frontyard thing... lol

OMG, you will NEVER guess what happened to me at walmart tonight!!! My car almost got blew up!!!!!!!!!! Some kids had made a home-made bomb and they left it in the middle of the parking lot... had I not turned to park, I woulda been going over it about the same time it blew up!!!! So, they took off laughing as it was blowing up as I'm TRYING to catch my breath and not pee myself!!! lol It was HORRIBLE. Damn kids these days... grrrrrrr...

Ok, so anyway, I'm just gonna close out this blog with some corny little paragraph!! lol... so, a few weeks ago my sis and I were talking about how I needed some friends. lol. The kind I can talk to and go hang out with... let me explain a few things.. lol... I've got PLENTY of friends my age... but they are idiots. They are into drugs, and stupid shit, they don't have bills... you know? So, I kinda out grew them... well, I've always been friends with my sisters friends, they are older than me.. but you know, they treated me like a friend... Well, Other than them I've always had my family whom I am REALLY close too.. almost too close... I need my distance... and I haven't gotten it yet. lol... So, I always just figured I wasn't cut out for friends, and that eventually, when the time was right I would find that 'best friend'... well, ok (corny) but I think I might have found her... lol So far she has tried to help me out more than any stranger I know.. we talked about random things.. lol, we get along great, we have SO much in common... you know, it just seems completely possible that we could become bestest friends... lol, and now, I'll be living all of a second down the road from her. lol... So, as long as she doesn't get too tired of me (lol) then I'm seeing a (corny) beautiful friendship (lol) blossoming!!! lol... (ps.. I told ya it was corny!!!! lol)

Ok, well, I'm out, I'm tired, and I think I need to go to bed early tonight.. maybe I just need to catch up on sleep or somehting.. who knows.. lol Love you all!!!!

<3 Jackie

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

This used to be Shawn's truck....

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So, needless to say... I've had the WORST day ever.

I woke up this morning to one of those calls that everyone hopes they never get. "Shawn was in a wreck, the truck is burnt down to the ground, I don't know if it's his fault or not.. He thinks the guy he hit may be dead... and I have no idea how Shawn is (physically)" Oh, and Shawn drives a 18-wheeler. It was a horrible way to wake up. So, I jumped out of bed, and Shawn's boss mans wife came and picked me up and we hightailed it down there. 2 hours later when we FINALLY make it to where he is I'm able to smile... yes, the truck is horrible.. but my husband walked away... WALKED AWAY. He has nothing wrong with him other than being beat up a little... NOTHING else walked away from that wreck. SO, here's what had happened. It was a two lane road, Shawn was traveling north, and the guy *Bob* was driving south. Bob had just gotten off of work at Wal*Mart (6am in the morning) and feel asleep at the wheel. He jerked over into the northbound lane, and Shawn, as a truck driver, doing his best to miss him, veered over into the southbound lane. Well, as fast as the guy drifted off, he woke back up and jerked it over... Shawn ended up using the passenger side of his car as a ramp (crushing it in the process) and ended up having a LOADED truck going airborne. He FINALLY landed into a bank of soft sand-like soil. His truck had already caught fire and he didn't even have time to grab his wallet. He jumped out and the truck just blew up into flames. The guy died a little less than 45 minutes later. It was his fault. He was in the wrong lane. So, like I said, Shawn is the ONLY thing that made it through this wreck. We spent the rest of the day in the hospital getting him checked out. Tomorrow we have to work on getting a new license, SS card, bank card, and everything else... :( Shawn said he fumbled around for about 5 seconds trying to find his wallet, but he just gave up... I told him, :Yeah, all of that's replaceable... I don't think I'll be able to find another one of you.." I'm so relieved ya'll... I love this man... and I think today just made me that much more grateful for the man I have... Ok, well, I'm out, I'm SOOOOO tired... :( He just passed out with a pain pill in him, he's going to hurt VERY badly tomorrow...

Thursday, March 1, 2007

I have been tagged!!!

The rules are: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged, list their names, and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' on their profile and tell them to read your latest blog. ENJOY!!!"

Wow, 10 weird things... I'm not sure even I have that many! :) If I can't think of enough then I'll fill in the rest with various other things. Gosh, as I'm trying ot do this, I'm realizing that I'm having a hard time coming up with original stuff... so I have to put my first as:

1. I have a twin... but she's 6 years older than me... We may not look a lot alike, and she may have a (much) better fashion sense... but we think, talk, react.. we're the same when it comes to our personalities... and our bitchiness... I just happen to be a little more hateful! So, on that note, I love you Terri, you're the best! xoxo

2. I HATE trying to impress people with my clothes/ makeup/ shoes/ newest styles. I love my PJ's and will go everywhere in them. I don't fix my hair... ever. The last time I spent anything more than 10 minutes on my hair was for my wedding. I own more PJ's than any other type of clothing... and I don't wear tie-up shoes. I live off of slippers and flip-flops... and in the winter I live out of fake-instocks. I very rarely do my makeup... just because I think it takes to long to try to impress.. and why cause more trouble than good? (You have to take the time to put it on, check it every so often throughout the day, when you get home you have to wash it off, and for me, that's a night and morning after things.. that crap sticks to my skin like crazy...) I've also been using the same purse for... haha, I have NO idea... it's been a WHILE. So, also on this note.. I own no dressup and go-out clothes! If I feel like taking the time to look really decent.. I go and raid my sisters closet... it works.. :) I don't have to buy the stuff I never wear! :) She's always changing what's in her closet!

3. I can't find a job I'm happy with! I know, that by now, everyone has realized that I just can't seem to keep a job... and it's SO true. I can't find anything I'm happy doing (besides watching kids) and when I do find what I'm happy doing the bosses SUCK! I hate retail (which is about all I'm qalified for) I can't stand athority. I can't get along with others in a work-place. Stupid people just goof-off, and that pisses me off b/c if your there to work... then Geezus, do your freekin work! lol, I'm telling you, I just CAN NOT keep a job! :) Of course, I like running things my-way also, so that doesn't help when looking and keeping a job.

4. I don't have friends. :) I honestly don't.. I don't go out all the time... and I don't have those people I call everyday just to check in. Don't get me wrong.. I have CLOSE friends.. you know the ones you talk to on a regular basis.. but you don't spend time together all the time.. it's the people that would drop everything. Shawn and Terri are my very best friends. No matter what they will always be here for me. I love them both very much! I think my problem when it comes to friends is that everyone my age has just vanished... lol, they either have kids, or went to college.. and right now I'm not in either of those positions... so, I have no friends. I think I do better without friends... I'm a loner...

5. I have an attitude that can blow the leaves off the trees. I can blow up in a single moment and be so freekin mad... I'm the type of angry that makes other people angry. I also sulk. I'll be the first to say 'please?!?!' I've found myself (yes, to this day) sticking my lower lip out slightly when I want something and get told no. I put a lot of people on guilt trips.. not really meaning to, it just happens. I have 2 people I hate with the blood that runs through my veins.. one of which deffinantly deserves it... the other... I'm not sure what started my hate towards him... but it's there.

6. I'm obsessed over music. My calling should have been music... I ALWAYS have a radio.. mp3... computer.. tv... they're always going. I love music. I can sing thousands and thousands of songs (not that well!) without even thinking of the words. You know what is REALLY weird about my music obbsesion though? I can't remember the titles or who sings the song. I can be told it, and here it, and see it 500 baljillion times and I still wont know the title or the singer. It sucks... I always have to listen to the song and guess what it's called... just so I can find it.

7. I love animals. I have a house-full of them. I have 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 frogs, a shit-load of snails, and a soon-to-be hamister. I also (hopefully) will soon be getting another puppy. I'm an animal lover... don't get me wrong.. I do complain about them.. damn things get under your feet, and can't get along... lol, but I love them all the same. Last week... no, the week before that, when I was so sick... all of my dogs laid with me all day long. They would follow me around the house when I got up.. I even went outside with them one afternoon (decided I needed the fresh air!) and instead of running around like they always do.. they stood and layed right next to me! (NOT normal for my dogs by the way..) I love my animals.

8. I have a WEIRD obbsession over my ears. lol, I seriously do. I clean them (with q-tips, and scrub them with a washcloth) about 3 times a day. They aren't dirty or anything... it's just one of those weird OC things. I'm constantly cleaning my ears. I think I'm paranoid...

9. If I sneeze, I know I'm sick. lol, I know, it sounds retarded, and one time I was sitting in the car with Jason and Shawn and I told shawn I was sick. He asked why I thought so.. and I told him because I sneezed. Well, to this day Shawn and Jason wont let me live that down! :) But seriously.. ask Shawn, (he'll pick on me.. but he knows it's true) If I sneeze, then I'm getting a cold. I don't EVER sneeze... so even though it sounds retarded, it's true.

10. I'm always convinced my family hates me. lol... I know my grandparents love me dearly, so I'm not talking about them... but I'm talking.. my sister (yes the one I'm so much like and so close to...), my older brother, my SIL, my momma... lol, I'm seriously always convinced they hate me. Ask Shawn... I complain about it alot. I don't know what it is... I just always think they hate me.. who knows.