Wednesday, April 25, 2007


So, needless to say... I've had the WORST day ever.

I woke up this morning to one of those calls that everyone hopes they never get. "Shawn was in a wreck, the truck is burnt down to the ground, I don't know if it's his fault or not.. He thinks the guy he hit may be dead... and I have no idea how Shawn is (physically)" Oh, and Shawn drives a 18-wheeler. It was a horrible way to wake up. So, I jumped out of bed, and Shawn's boss mans wife came and picked me up and we hightailed it down there. 2 hours later when we FINALLY make it to where he is I'm able to smile... yes, the truck is horrible.. but my husband walked away... WALKED AWAY. He has nothing wrong with him other than being beat up a little... NOTHING else walked away from that wreck. SO, here's what had happened. It was a two lane road, Shawn was traveling north, and the guy *Bob* was driving south. Bob had just gotten off of work at Wal*Mart (6am in the morning) and feel asleep at the wheel. He jerked over into the northbound lane, and Shawn, as a truck driver, doing his best to miss him, veered over into the southbound lane. Well, as fast as the guy drifted off, he woke back up and jerked it over... Shawn ended up using the passenger side of his car as a ramp (crushing it in the process) and ended up having a LOADED truck going airborne. He FINALLY landed into a bank of soft sand-like soil. His truck had already caught fire and he didn't even have time to grab his wallet. He jumped out and the truck just blew up into flames. The guy died a little less than 45 minutes later. It was his fault. He was in the wrong lane. So, like I said, Shawn is the ONLY thing that made it through this wreck. We spent the rest of the day in the hospital getting him checked out. Tomorrow we have to work on getting a new license, SS card, bank card, and everything else... :( Shawn said he fumbled around for about 5 seconds trying to find his wallet, but he just gave up... I told him, :Yeah, all of that's replaceable... I don't think I'll be able to find another one of you.." I'm so relieved ya'll... I love this man... and I think today just made me that much more grateful for the man I have... Ok, well, I'm out, I'm SOOOOO tired... :( He just passed out with a pain pill in him, he's going to hurt VERY badly tomorrow...

1 comment:

Miles said...

OMG I am so glad he is ok, that is so scary. WOW, I saw the pics WHOLY COW for him to walk away thank god is all I can say thank god.